A regular meeting of the Sharon Zoning Board of Appeals was held on Wednesday, May 8, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room, Town Office Building.  The following members were present:  John Lee, Chairman; Seth Ruskin, Lee Wernick (7:15 p.m.); Barry Barth, Abe Brahmachari and Sam Reid.

7:00 p.m.             AT&T, 68 Mohawk Street, Case No. 1656 Continued Hearing:  Mr. Lee moved to continue this hearing to June 12, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. as requested by the applicant’s attorney, Ed Pare.  Motion seconded by Mr. Ruskin and voted 3-0-0 (Lee, Ruskin, Brahmachari). 

7:06 p.m.             Tao Song, 457 S. Main Street, Case No. 1725 (Refile):  Mr. Lee read the public hearing notice and letters from Greg Meister, Conservation Agent and Jim Andrews, Board of Health agent.  Mr. Lee stated there were no plans submitted for this application and he informed Mr. Song that we will need a surveyed plan of the property showing where the house is located. 

Mr. Song stated he wants to open a small shop to make custom picture frames and the like which will have about four customers a week.  He will have an office in his living room and the shop will be in his garage.  He would like to make a parking lot also.  Mr. Lee stated that is what we need to see on the plan, which has to be done by a licensed surveyor.  He needs to show exactly where things are going as this is a residential area.  The board also wants to know if he will be using any chemicals and Mr. Song stated no.  There will be a small table saw in the garage.  Mr. Lee asked if there will be a lot of noise from this business and Mr. Song stated no. Mr. Brahmachari asked if there will be any renovations to the inside of his house and Mr. Song stated no.

Mr. Ruskin asked if this is a new business and Mr. Song stated yes.  He is an artist.  Mr. Ruskin asked the business hours and Mr. Song stated from 10:00 to 2:00 or 4:00.  Mr. Lee stated this board will set the hours of operation because this will be in a residential area.  Mr. Ruskin asked if Mr. Song will have employees and he stated no.  This is a very small business.  Mr. Barth asked if he will be making the picture frames himself and Mr. Song stated yes.  Mr. Bramachari asked if there will be printing involved and Mr. Song stated no, only frames.  Mr. Ruskin asked if there will be any commercial vans parked on the property and Mr. Song stated no.

Mr. Lee asked if this is located across from the Heights Elementary School and Mr. Song stated yes, it is on the corner of Walpole and South Main Streets.

Mr. Lee stated we still need a plan showing the parking, where the house is situated and where the property lines are.  Mr. Barth asked if there will be signage and Mr. Lee stated that would be a separate request which would have to go back to the Building Inspector.  It is not included in the application presently before the board.  Mr. Lee asked if there will be a new bathroom added and Mr. Song stated yes.  Mr. Lee told Mr. Song he will have to meet with the Board of Health regarding that additional bathroom.  We have to make sure this is safe and fits in the neighborhood.  Mr. Wernick stated he is concerned this will become a creeping permit.  Mr. Lee stated it needs a special permit and we can limit the hours of operation.  Mr. Lee gave Mr. Song a copy of the Board of Health letter that we received.

Mr. Song stated there will not be many customers, but he would like to add a turnaround so cars can come and go easily.   Mr. Brahmachari asked why he is before us and Mr. Song stated he was told this is not a legal business so he had to file with us.  Mr. Brahmachari stated he feel this will not change the outside appearance of the house except for maybe a sign.  It will just be a home based business.  Mr. Barth would like to hear more about the number of people coming and going.  Mr. Reid would like to see a business plan.  


Mr. Barth asked if there will be a showroom or display area and if so, how big will that be.  Mrs. Song stated there will be some displays.  Mr. Song stated this is retail. There were no comments from the public.

Mr. Lee continued the hearing to July 10, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.  He informed Mr. Song he needed to get a proper plot plan and he also needs to meet with the Board of Health.

It was moved, seconded and voted to adjourn.  The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

                                                                                Respectfully submitted,



Approved 10/9/13